

Multilingual Literary Practices In A Multicultural World, From Archaic Greece To The Byzantine Empire

Organized by Eleni Bozia, Klaas Bentein & Chiara Monaco

Rome, November 14-15, 2023


Subordination and Insubordination in Post-Classical Greek. Syntax, Context and Complexity

Organized by Klaas Bentein, Eleonora Cattafi, Ezra La Roi, Peter Petré, Toon Van Hal and Chiara Monaco

Ghent, May 12-14, 2022


New Light from the East. Linguistic Perspectives on Non-Literary Papyri and Related Sources

Organized by Klaas Bentein & Marja Vierros

Athens, September 15-17, 2021 [Postponed to February 2-4, 2022; online]


Correctness in Comparison. Negotiating linguistic norms in Greek from the Imperial Roman until the Later Byzantine period (I – XV AD)

Organized by Klaas Bentein & Andrea Cuomo

Vienna, June 18-19, 2021


Novel Perspectives on Communication Practices in Antiquity. Towards a Historical Social-Semiotic Approach

Organized by Klaas Bentein & Yasmine Amory

Ghent, October 3-5, 2019



Everyday Communication in Antiquity: Frames and Framings

Organized by Klaas Bentein & the EVWRIT team

Ghent, June 12-13, 2023


Digital Approaches in Greek Palaeography

Organized by Klaas Bentein & Gabriel Bodard

London, December 14, 2018

Call for Participation


Doctoral/summer/winter schools


An introduction to the historical sociolinguistics of Ancient and Medieval Greek: 18-19 December, 2023

This course offers an introduction to the historical sociolinguistic study of the Greek language, paying attention to different periods (Archaic, Classical, Post-classical and Medieval Greek), different text types (literary and non-literary) and different approaches (sociolinguistic, metalinguistic, sociopragmatic, sociocognitive, sociosemiotic, etc.). Both theory and reading actual texts are offered through six interactive seminars.

For additional information, see 


Introduction to Classical Arabic: 15-26 August, 2022

This summer Ghent University and OIKOS are organizing the second summer course introducing Classical Arabic. This year we will offer an extended two-week course to allow more in-depth practice with the Arabic script and orthography, besides the treatment of basic grammatical concepts and the reading of course material. The program will consist of a theoretical morning block, where we will introduce the script and grammar. In the afternoon you can choose to focus either on documentary or literary material. In the afternoon sessions we will read relevant texts to give you hands-on experience with the text type of your choice.

Instructors: Simon Ford (literary texts); Fokelien Kootstra (papyri)

For registration and additional information please contact:


Introduction to Classical Arabic: 23-27 August, 2021

Ghent University is organizing an intensive one-week summer course introducing Classical Arabic, in collaboration with OIKOS. It is our aim to offer this course in person, if the Covid-situation allows. For students not able to attend in person, we will offer an online option. The program will consist of a theoretical morning block, where we will introduce the script and grammar. In the afternoon you can choose to focus either on documentary or literary material. In the afternoon sessions we will read relevant texts to give you hands-on experience with the text type of your choice.

Instructors: Simon Ford (literary texts); Fokelien Kootstra (papyri)

For the complete announcement of the course see

For registration and additional information please contact:


Reading group

Ghent University – Faculty of Arts and Philosophy

Once a month from January 2019, the EVWRIT team will meet to discuss and develop a new theoretical perspective towards communication practices in Antiquity. Theoretical sessions on fundamental aspects of novel methodologies (cognitive sociolinguistics, social semiotics, paléographie signifiante…) will be interchanged with practical ones (doing statistics, showing a database, presenting a paper…).

The reading group is open to anyone interested.

Twenty-ninth session: 15.30 – 17h, Thursday November 6, meeting room ‘Camelot’ Blandijn

Moderator: Mark Matic

Title: Register and regiolect: The puzzling syntax of the Apocalypse in light of Roman and Byzantine comparanda

Background literature:

Janse, M. (2008), ‘Aspects of Bilingualism in the History of the Greek Language,’ in J. N. Adams, M. Janse, S. Swain (eds.), Bilingualism in Ancient Society: Language Contact and the Written Text (Oxford: Oxford University Press), pp. 332–390.

Mot, L. F. (2015), Morphological and syntactical irregularities in the Book of Revelation: A Greek hypothesis (Leiden: Brill).

Best, G. (2021), ‘The Aural Impact of Solecisms in Revelation,’ Novum Testamentum 63, pp. 90–111.


Twenty-eighth session: 15-17h, Wednesday November 20, room 5.50 Blandijn

Moderator: Lucía Madrigal Acero

Title:  A matter of voice and sociolinguistics: The classification of collocations with ποιέω in Byzantine Greek

Background literature:

Alonso Ramos, M. (2004). Las construcciones con verbo de apoyo. Visor. (optional)

CockAJCM. (1981). ΠΟΙΕΙΣΘΑΙ: ΠΟΙΕΙΝ. Sur les critères déterminant le choix entre l’actif ΠΟΙΕΙΝ et le moyen ΠΟΙΕΙΣΘΑΙ. Mnemosyne34(1), 1–62.

Jiménez López, M. D. (2016). On Support Verb Constructions in Ancient Greek. Archivio Glottologico Italiano101(2), 180–204.

Jiménez López, M. D., & Baños, J. M. (n.d.). DiCoGra: Diccionario de colocaciones del griego antiguo

Mel’čuk, I. (2023). Appendix: Lexical Functions. In General phraseology: Theory and practice, pp. 215-228. John Benjamins.


Twenty-seventh session: 15.00-16.00, Friday, May 24, 2024 (Blandijn, room 2.21)

Moderators: Paraskevi Platanou & Irene Chioni

Title: Unlocking linguistic and visual patterns in roman petitions from a social point of view

Background literature:

Bentein, K. (2024). Documentary papyri as “multimodal” texts : aspects of variation in the Nepheros archive (IV CE). In M. Leiwo, S. Dahlgren, H. Halla-aho, & M. Vierros (Eds.), Scribes and language use in the Graeco-Roman world. Helsinki.

Fournet, J.-L. (2007) “Disposition et réalisation graphique des lettres et des pétitions protobyzantines: pour une paléographie “signifiante” des papyrus, Proceedings of the 24th International Congress of Papyrology, Aug 2004, Helsinki. pp.353-367.

Stolk, J. (2018). Encoding Linguistic Variation in Greek Documentary Papyri The Past, Present and Future of Editorial Regularization. In N. Reggiani (Ed.), Digital Papyrology II: Case Studies on the Digital Edition of Ancient Greek Papyri (pp. 119-138). Berlin, Boston: De Gruyter.


Twenty-sixth session: 15.00-17.00, Friday, March 8, 2024 (faculteitszaal, Blandijn)

Moderator: Leonardo De Santis

Title: The narrative imperfect in Greek literary texts: register and diachrony

Background literature

Villa, de la, J. 2013. Tense/aspect, in Giannakis, G.; Bubenik, V.; Crespo, E.; Golston, C.; Lianeri, A.; Luraghi, S.; Matthaios, S. (eds.), Encyclopedia of Ancient Greek Language and Linguistics, vol. 3 (Leiden, 2013): 382-389.

Allan, R.J. 2017. The Imperfect Unbound: A Cognitive Linguistic Approach to Greek Aspect, in Bentein, K.; Janse, M.; and Soltic, J. (eds.), Variation and Change in Ancient Greek Tense, Aspect and Modality (Leiden; Boston, 2017), 23: 100-130.

Moser, A. 2017. Aktionsart, Aspect and Category Change in the History of Greek, in Bentein, K.; Janse, M.; Soltic, J. (eds.), Variation and Change in Ancient Greek Tense, Aspect and Modality (Leiden; Boston, 2017): 131-157 (especially the pages 131-141, 144-155)


Twenty-fifth session: 15.30-17.00, Thursday, November 9, 2023 (Teaching room 1.6, Rozier)

Moderator: Dalia Prattali Maffei

Title: The Dialects of Ancient Greek Inscribed Poetry: Sociolinguistic Approaches

Background literature:

Chambers, J.K., & Trudgill, P. (1998). Dialectology, 2nd ed., Cambridge, New York. (cg. 6: Sociolinguistic Structure and Linguistic Innovation)

Mickey, K. (1981). ‘Dialect Consciousness and Literary Language. An Example from Ancient Greek’, TPhS 79(1), 35-66.

Passa, E. (2016) L’elegia e l’epigramma su pietra. In A.C. Cassio (ed.) Storia delle lingue letterarie greche rev. edn. Firenze. 260-288.

Petrovic, Andrej , & Petrovic, Ivana (2019). Greek Inscribed Epigram. obo in Classics.

Rickford, J.R. (2002). ‘Implicational Scales’. In J.K. Chambers, P. Trudgill, & N. Schilling-Estes (eds.), The Handbook of Language Variation and Change, Blackwell, 142-67.


Twenty-fourth session: 15.00-17.00, Friday, June 30, 2023 (Teaching room 2.20, Blandijn)

Moderator: Tim Ongenae

Title: The anticausative in Latin: a diachronic-typological approach

Background literature:

Cennamo, Michela, Thórhallur Eythórsson & Jóhanna Barðdal. 2015. Semantic and (morpho)syntactic constraints on anticausativization: evidence from Latin and Old Norse-Icelandic. Linguistics 53(4). 677-729.

Gianollo, Chiara. 2014. Labile verbs in Late Latin. Linguistics 52(4). 945-1002.

Haspelmath, Martin, Andreea Calude, Michael Spagnol, Heiko Narrog & Elif Bamyacı. 2014. Coding causal–noncausal verb alternations: A form–frequency correspondence explanation. Journal of Linguistics, 50(3), 587-625. Berlin: De Gruyter.

Kulikov, Leonid, & Nikolaos Lavidas. 2014. Special issue: typology of labile verbs: focus on diachrony: Introduction. Journal of Linguistics 53(4). 871-877.

Ongenae, Tim A.F. (forthc.). “Permittito aperiat oculum”: Typological Considerations on P-lability and its Interaction with Morphosyntactic Alignment in Latin Medical Texts. Folia Linguistica 57(4).

Zuñiga, Fernando & Seppo Kittilä. 2019. Grammatical Voice (Cambridge Textbooks in Linguistics). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (pages 41-53)


Twenty-third session: 15.30-17.30, Thursday, March 23, 2023 (Teaching room 1.16, Blandijn)

Moderator: Eleni Bozia

Title: “Who controls the past controls the future”: AI in clAssIcs 

Background literature:

Bozia, E. 2021. Eclectic mimēsis in Imperial Greek oratory: topological metrics for syntactical quantification using wavelets. Digital Scholarship in the Humanities.

Bozia, E. 2016. “Atticism: the language of 5th-century oratory or a quantifiable stylistic phenomenon?” In G. Celano (ed.) Special Issue on Treebanks. Open Linguistics 2.1.

Bamman, D., Burns, P.J. 2020. “Latin BERT: A Contextual Language Model for Classical Philology.”


Twenty-second session: 15.00-17.00, Friday, December 16, 2022 (Meeting room Camelot, Blandijn)

Moderator: Kyriaki Giannikou

Title: The palaeographic side of the EVWRIT corpus: interesting cases

Background literature:

Youtie, H. C. (1971). ‘ΑΓΡΑΜΜΑΤΟΣ: An Aspect of Greek Society in Egypt’. Harvard Studies in Classical Philology 75, 161–176.

Ast, R. ‘Compositional Practice and Contractual Authority in the Patermouthis Archive’. In Ast, R., Choat, M., Cromwell, J., Lougovaya, J., & Yuen-Collingridge, R. (Eds.). (2021). Observing the scribe at work: Scribal practice in the ancient world. Peeters, 71-100. (focus on pp.71-84)

Dosoo, K. ‘The use of Abbreviations in Duplicate Documents from Roman Egypt’. In Ast, R., Choat, M., Cromwell, J., Lougovaya, J., & Yuen-Collingridge, R. (Eds.). (2021). Observing the scribe at work: Scribal practice in the ancient world. Peeters, 299-324.

Bagnall, R. S. ‘Languages, Literacy, and Ethnicity.’ In Bagnall, R. S. (1993). Egypt in late antiquity. Princeton University Press, 240-251.


Twenty-first session: 13.00-15.00, Friday, November 25, 2022 (Faculty room, Blandijn)

Moderator: Eleonora Serra

Title: Use and social functions of epistolary formulae: investigating private and everyday letters from sixteenth-century Tuscany

Background literature:

Rutten, G. & M. van der Wal. 2012. Functions of epistolary formulae in Dutch letters from the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. Journal of Historical Pragmatics 13(2), 173–201.

Elspaß, Stephan. 2012. Between linguistic creativity and formulaic restriction: Cross-linguistic perspectives on nineteenth-century lower class writers’ private letters. In Marina Dossena & Gabriella Del Lungo Camiciotti, Letter writing in late modern Europe, 45–64. Amsterdam: John Benjamins.

Telve, Stefano. 2019. Lingua e norme dell’italiano. Alcune considerazioni a partire dalle lettere fra Cinque e Settecento. In Paolo Procaccioli (ed.), L’epistolografia di antico regime. Convegno internazionale di studi Viterbo, 15-16-17 febbraio 2018. Sarnico: Edizioni di Archilet.


Twentieth session: 15.00-17.00, Thursday June 21, 2022 (Meeting room Camelot, Blandijn)

Moderator: Laura Soffiantini

Title: Grieving patterns? Some formulaic expressions in Latin funerary inscriptions

Background literature:

Nielsen, H. S. 1997. ‘Interpreting Epithets in Roman Epitaphs.’ In B Rawson, P. R. Carey Weaver (eds), The Roman family in Italy: status, sentiment, space, pp. 169-204. Oxford.

Tantimonaco, S. 2017. Dis Manibus. Il culto degli Dei Mani attraverso la documentazione epigrafica. Madrid.

Wray, A. 2009. ‘Identifying formulaic language.’ In R. Corrigan et al. (eds), Formulaic Language. Vol.1, pp. 27-52. Amsterdam.

Zelenai, N. 2018. ‘The Variants of the se vivo fecit Expression in Latin Language Inscriptions.’ Graeco-Latina Brunensia (23), pp. 227-244.


Nineteenth session: 15.00-17.00, Thursday May 19, 2022 (Meeting room Camelot, Blandijn)

Moderator: Ricardo Alcocer Urueta

Title: Mapping the aspectual range of εἰμί-predication onto classical ontology

Background literature:

Kahn, C. H. (2003). Introduction. In C. H. Kahn, The verb ‘be’ in ancient Greek (2nd ed.) (pp. vii–xl). Hackett.

Lenci, A. (1998). The Structure of predication. Synthese, 114(2), 233–276.

Hengeveld, K. (1992). [Chapter 3] Non-verbal predication. K. Hengeveld, Non-verbal predication: Theory, typology, diachrony (pp. 25–46). Mouton de Gruyter.

Klein, W. (1994). [Chapter 5] Inherent temporal features of the lexical content. In W. Klein, Time in Language (pp. 72–98). Routledge.


Eighteenth session: 14.30-16.00, Thursday March 24, 2022 (Room 2.4, Rozier)

Moderator: Joanne Stolk

Title: Scribal corrections in papyrus letters and other documents

Background literature:

Luiselli, R. 2010. ‘Authorial Revision of Linguistic Style in Greek Papyrus Letters and Petitions (ad i–iv)’, in T.V. Evans & D.D. Obbink (eds), The Language of the Papyri. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 71-96.

Papathomas, A. 2018. ‘Das Ringen um korrekte Sprache, guten Stil und rechten Sinn. Grammatische und Stilistische Verbesserungen auf spätantiken griechischen Papyrusbriefen (5.-8. Jh. n. Chr.)’, in P. Swiggers (ed.), Language, Grammar, and Erudition: From Antiquity to Modern Times. A Collection of Papers in Honour of Alfons Wouters. Leuven/Paris/Bristol: Peeters, pp. 14566. 

Fairman, Tony. 2008. ‘Strike-Throughs: What Textual Alterations can Tell us about Writers and their Scripts, 1795-1835’, in M. Dossena & I. Tieken-Boon van Ostade (eds), Studies in Late Modern English Correspondence: Methodology and Data. Bern: Peter Lang, pp. 193-212.


Seventeenth session: 15.00-17.00, Thursday February 24, 2022

Moderator: Marieke Dhont

Title: Post-Classical Greek and the Septuagint

Background literature:

James Aitken, “The language of the Septuagint and Jewish-Greek identity”, in James K. Aitken and James Carleton Paget (eds), The Jewish-Greek Tradition in Antiquity and the Byzantine Empire (Cambridge: CUP, 2014), 120-134.
John A. Lee, The Greek of the Pentateuch: Grinfield Lectures on the Septuagint 2011–2012 (Oxford: OUP, 2018) – chapters 1&4


Sixteenth session: 15.00-17.00, Thursday December 16, 2021 (ONLINE)

Moderator: Gianluca Bonagura

Theme: The archive of Apollonios of Bakchias: a philological and historical analysis

Background literature:

R. Smolders, ‘Chairemon: Alexandrian Citizen, Royal Scribe, Gymnasiarch, Landholder at Bacchias, and Loving Father’, BASP 422005, 93-100. 
R. Smolders, ‘Smolders, R. 2015, “Apollonios of Bakchias”, in Graeco-Roman Archives from the Fayum, Collectanea Hellenistica – KVAB VI, K. Vandorpe – W. Clarysse – H. Verreth (eds.), Leuven-Paris-Bristol 2013, 70-73. 


Fifteenth session: 15.00-17.00, Thursday November 25 (ONLINE)

Moderator: Andrea Cuomo

Theme: The grammatical competencies of the Byzantines, between taxonomy and sources

Background literature:

M. Hinterberger’s chapter nr. 2 on Language in: S. Papaioannou (ed.), The Oxford Handbook of Byzantine Literature. New York (N.Y.): Oxford university press, 2021 (with bibliography therein).
χρυσόβουλλοι λόγοι, issued in Constantinople in the Komnenian age


Fourteenth session: 15.00-17.00, Thursday September 28, 2021 (Room 2.4, Rozier)

Moderator: Giovanbattista Galdi

Theme: Linguistic remarks on the Sortes Sangallenses

Background literature:

Demandt, Alexander. ‘Die Sortes Sangallenses. Eine Quelle Zur Spätantiken Sozialgeschichte’. Atti Dell’Accademia Romanistica Constantiniana 8 (1990): 635–50.
Johnston, Sarah Iles, and Peter T. Struck, eds. ‘Christian Divination in Late Roman Gaul: The Sortes Sangallenses’. In Mantikê. Studies in Ancient Divination, 99–128. Leiden ; Boston: Brill, 2005.
Luijendijk, AnneMarie, William E. Klingshirn, and Lance Jenott. My Lots Are in Thy Hands: Sortilege and Its Practitioners in Late Antiquity. Leiden ; Boston: Brill, 2019.


Thirteenth session: 09.00-11.00, Wednesday June 30, 2021 (online)

Moderator: Klaas Bentein

Theme: Digitally documenting everyday writing in Antiquity

Background literature: Database documentation (internal document)


Twelfth session:  11.00-13.00, Wednesday January 13, 2021 (online)

Moderator: Marianna Thoma

Theme: Women’s Letters in Greek Papyri: Some Aspects of Letter-Writing.

Background literature:

R.Bagnall & R. Cribiore. 2006. Women’s Letters from Ancient Egypt: 300 BC – AD 800. Ann Arbor, pp. 27-37, 71-98.

Clarysse. 2017. “Emotions in Greek Private Papyrus Letters”. Ancient Society 47, pp. 63–86.

Cribiore. 2002. “The Women in the Apollonios’ Archive and their Use of Literacy”. In: H. Melaerts, H. and Mooren, L. (eds.), Le rôle et le statut de la femme en Égypte Hellénistique, Romaine et Byzantine, Actes du colloque international: Bruxelles – Leuven, 27-29 Novembre 1997 (Studia Hellenistica 37 : Leuven–Paris–Sterling–Virginia, pp. 149-66.

J. Hillner. 2019. “Empresses, Queens, and Letters: Finding a ‘Female Voice’ in Late Antiquity?”. Gender & History 31 (2 ), pp. 353–382.


Eleventh session: 15:00-17:00, Wednesday, October 21, 2020 (online).

Moderator: Fokelien Kootstra

Theme: Arabic papyri and historical sociolinguistics

Background literature: E.M. Grob. 2010. Documentary Arabic private and business letters on papyrus: Form and function, content and context, Berlin & New York, chapter 1, pp. 1-14, ​and chapter 2, pp. 23-83.

G. Khan. 2011. “Middle Arabic”. in: S. Weniger (ed.) The Semitic languages: an international handbook, Berlin & Boston, pp. 817-835.

M. Tillier. 2018, “Scribal Practices Among Muslims and Christians: A comparison between the judicial Letters of Qurra b. Sharīk and Henanishoʕ (1st cent. AH)”. In: M. Wissa (ed.), Scribal practices and the social construction of knowledge, Louvain, pp. 197-214.


Tenth session: 15:30-17:00, Tuesday, March 2, 2020 (Faculteitszaal).

Moderator: Ezra la Roi

Theme: textual ambiguity and historical linguistics

Background literature: R. Boogaart & K. Verheij. 2013. “Als dát geen insubordinatie is! De pragmatiek van zelfstandige conditionele zinnen”. In: T. Janssen & J. Noordegraaf (eds.), Honderd jaar taalwetenschap. Artikelen aangeboden aan Saskia Daalder bij haar afscheid van de Vrije Universiteit. Amsterdam, St. Neerlandistiek VU & Münster, pp. 13-28.

E. Lombardi Vallauri. 2005. “Come era il parlato di lingue antiche: le ipotetiche libere”, Studi Italiani di Linguistica Teorica e Applicata , XXXIV 2, pp. 225-255.

G. Wakker. 1994. Conditions and conditionals. An investigation of Ancient Greek. Amsterdam, pp. 384-402.


Ninth session: 15:30-17:00, Wednesday, January 22, 2020.

Moderator: Alessandro Papini

Theme: historical sociolinguistics & latin epigraphy

Background literature: B. Adamik. 2012. “In Search of the Regional Diversification of Latin. Some Methodological Considerations in Employing the Inscriptional Evidence. In: F. Biville et al. (eds), Latin vulgaire – Latin tardif IX. Lyon, pp. 123-139.

J. N. Adams. 2013. Social variation and the Latin language. Cambridge, pp. 37-70.

M. Mancini. 2014. “Testi epigrafici e sociolinguistica storica. Le ‘defixiones’ sannite”. In: R. Giacomelli and A., Robbiati Bianchi (eds.), Le lingue dell’Italia antica oltre il latino. Lasciamo parlare i testi. Milano, pp. 29-61.


Eighth session: 15:30-17:00, Wednesday, November 27, 2019 (Vergaderzaal Camelot).

Moderator: Emmanuel Roumanis

Theme: Atticistic lexicography within the diachrony of diglossia and divergence in Greek

Background literature: M. Karyolemou. 2014. “What Can Sociolinguistics Tell us about Learned Literary Languages?”, The Language of Byzantine Learned Literature, Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 34-51.

J. A.L. Lee. 2013. “The Atticist Grammarians”. In: S. E. Porter and A. W. Pitts (eds.), The Language of the New Testament, Leiden: Brill, pp. 283-308.

C. Strobel. 2009. “The Lexica of the Second Sophistic: Safeguarding Atticism”. In: A. Georgakopoulou and M. Silk (eds.), Standard Languages and Language Standards: Greek, Past and Present, Farnham & Burlington, VT: Ashgate, pp. 93-107.

S. Valente. 2017. “Old and New Lexica in Palaeologan Byzantium”. In: A. M. Cuomo and E. Trapp (eds.), Toward a Historical Sociolinguistic Poetics of Medieval Greek, Turnhout: Brepols, pp. 45-55.


Seventh session: 15:30-17:00, Tuesday, October 15, 2019 (Vergaderzaal Camelot).

Moderator: Simon Aerts

Theme: SFL, interpersonal meaning and deictic shifts

Background literature: S. Aerts. forthcoming. “A Three-Dimensional, Systemic Functional Analysis of Tense Usage in Gregory of Tours’ Historia Francorum.” Acta Antiqua Academiae Scientiarum Hungarica 59.

R. Kühner & C. Stegmann. 1912. Ausführliche Grammatik der Lateinischen Sprache, II: Satzlehre, vol.1: Syntaxe des einfaches Satzes. Hannover: Hahnsche Buchhandlung, §39: Gebrauch der Zeitformen im Briefstile.

A.A. Nijk 2019. “Bridging the Gap between the near and the Far: Displacement and Representation”, Cognitive Linguistics 30 (2), pp. 327–350.

G. Thompson. 2014. Introducing Functional Grammar. 3rd edition. London: Routledge (Chapter 4: Interacting – The interpersonal metafunction, pp. 45-87).


Sixth session: 15:30-17:00, Wednesday, August 28, 2019 (Grote Vergaderzaal).

Moderator: Antonia Apostolakou

Theme: language contact and multilingualism in antiquity

Background literature: J.N. Adams. 2003. Bilingualism and the Latin Language. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. (“Transliterated texts”, pp. 40-67)

D.R. Langslow 2002. “Approaching Bilingualism in Corpus Languages”. In: Adams, J. N., Janse, M. and Swain, S. (eds.), Bilingualism in Ancient Society: Language Contact and the Written Word. Oxford: Oxford University Press, pp. 23-51.​

A. Mullen. 2012. “Introduction: Multiple Languages, Multiple Identities”. In: Mullen, A. and James, P. (eds.), Multilingualism in the Graeco-Roman Worlds. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, pp. 1-35.


Fifth session: 15:30-17:00, Wednesday, June 19, 2019 (Grote Vergaderzaal).

Moderator: Eleonora Cattafi

Theme: politeness theory and historical politeness

Background literature: P. Brown & S. C. Levinson. 1987. Politeness. Some universals in language usage, pp. 55-84.

D.Z. Kádár & J. Culpeper. 2010. ‘Historical (Im)politeness: an introduction’, in Culpeper & Kádár (eds.), Historical (Im)politeness, pp. 9-36.

E. Dickey. 2016. “Politeness in ancient Rome: can it help us evaluate modern politeness theories?”, Journal of politeness research, 12 (2), pp. 197-220.


Fourth session: 15:30-17:00, Friday, May 10, 2019 (Grote Vergaderzaal).

Moderator: Geert De Mol

Theme: orthography as social action

Background literature: M. Sebba. 2012. “Orthography as social action. Scripts, spelling, identity and power”. In: Jaffe et al. (ed.), Orthography as social action. Scripts, spelling, identity and power, pp. 1-20.

M. Sebba. 2012. “Orthography as literacy. How Manx was “reduced to writing””. In: Jaffe et al. (ed.), Orthography as social action. Scripts, spelling, identity and power, pp. 161-176.

M. Sebba. 2015. “Iconisation, attribution and branding in orthography.” Written Language & Literacy 18 (2), pp. 208-227.


Third session: 15:00-17:00 Thursday, March 27, 2019 (Room 110.046).

Moderator: Serena Causo

Theme: literacy, writing practices and materiality in Roman Egypt

Background literature: R. Ast. 2015. “Writing and the City in Later Roman Egypt. Towards a Social History of the Ancient ‘Scribe.’” CHS Research Bulletin 4 (1).

P. Schubert. 2018. “Who Needed Writing in Graeco-Roman Egypt, and for What Purpose? Document Layout as a Tool of Literacy” in Kolb, A. (ed.) Literacy in ancient everyday life. Zürich (Switzerland). Berlin & Boston, pp. 335-350.

G. Woolf. 2015 “Ancient Illiteracy?” Bulletin of the Institute of Classical Studies 58 (2): 31-42.


Second session: 15:00-17:00 Thursday, February 21, 2019 (Grote Vergaderzaal).

Moderator: Yasmine Amory

Theme: social semiotics & palaeography

Background literature: J.-L. Fournet. 2007. “Disposition et réalisation graphique des lettres et des pétitions protobyzantines: pour une paléographie ‘signifiante” des papyrus documentaires” in J. Frösen, T. Purola, E. Salmenkivi (eds.), Proceedings of the 24th International Congress of Papyrology, Helsinki, I, p. 353-367.

T. van Leeuwen. 2006. “Towards a Semiotics of Typography”, Information Design Journal + Document Design 14 (2), pp. 139-155.


First session: 15:00-17:00 Friday, January 25, 2019 (Grote Vergaderzaal)

Moderator: Klaas Bentein

Theme: social semiotics & multimodality

Background literature: G. Kress. 2010. Multimodality. A social semiotic approach to contemporary communication. London & New York.



  1. Bentein, K. Towards a typology of relative clauses in Post-classical Greek. Paper presented at the PapyGreek colloquium (Helsinki, June 8, 2018)
  2. Bentein, K. Deictic shifting in Greek contractual writing. Paper presented at the International Colloquium on Ancient Greek Linguistics (Helsinki, August 31, 2018)
  3. Bentein, K. The distinctiveness of syntax for varieties of Post-classical and Byzantine Greek. Paper presented at the Beyond Standards: Attic, the Koiné and Atticism conference (Cambridge, September 14, 2018)
  4. Papini, A. Mariangelo Accursio e Pirro Ligorio: sulla possibile (e curiosa) genesi di CIL VI 990* e 991* (with Gianluca Gregori). Paper presented at the 23th Rencontre franco-italienne sur l’épigraphie du monde romain (Venice, October 11-13, 2018)
  5. Bentein, K. Syntax: a sociolinguistically distinctive level? Some observations from the Life of Euthymius. Paper presented at the Metaphrasis workshop (Nicosia, October 13, 2018)
  6. Bentein, K., Amory, Y., De Mol, G. & E. Roumanis. Everyday writing in Graeco-Roman and Byzantine Greek. Paper presented at the Dialing Research Seminar (Ghent, November 8, 2018)
  7. Bentein, K. The decline of infinitival complementation in Ancient Greek: A reconsideration. Paper presented at the Classics Research Seminar (Cambridge, November 21, 2018)
  8. Amory, Y. Defense of her doctoral thesis [Title: Communiquer par écrit dans l’Égypte de l’Antiquité tardive: les lettres grecques des archives de Dioscore d’Aphrodité [Égypte; VIe s. apr. J-.C.]). Discussed at the École Pratique des Hautes Études (Paris, December 1, 2018).
  9. Bentein, K. Variation equals social meaning? Developing a digital approach towards communicative variation in Roman and Late Antique Egypt. Paper presented at the Digital Approaches to Ancient and Modern Texts colloquium (Manchester, December 12, 2018).
  10. Amory, Y.  New projects on documentary texts. Paper presented at the Digital Approaches in Greek Palaeography workshop (London, December 14, 2018)
  11. De Mol, G. Hypercorrection in Greek documentary sources: a historical-sociolinguistic approach. Paper presented at the Linghentian Doctorials colloquium (Ghent, December 18, 2018)
  12. Papini, A. Stylistic and diatopic variation in the “Vulgar” Latin vowel system. Rome and Italy. A statistical analysis based on inscriptional evidence. Paper presented at the LinGhentian Doctorials 2018 (Ghent, December 19, 2018)
  13. Amory, Y. & Schram, V. SPP I 3: un certificat médical? Lecture given at the Greek Papyrology Seminar at Ecole Pratique des Hautes Etudes (Paris, January 31, 2019).
  14. Amory, Y. Sous le calame d’un scribe digraphe en Égypte byzantine: un dossier épistolaire grec et copte dans les archives de Dioscore d’Aphrodité. Paper presented at the Ecritures en contact: pratiques et interférences conference (Paris, February 28-March 2, 2019).
  15. Amory, Y., Marthot-Santaniello, I., & Stoyanova S. Digital methods in ancient palaeography. Session 9 of the Sunoikisis Digital Classics Cours, Spring 2019 (March 7, 2019).
  16. De Mol, G. The hypercorrect use of iota adscript in Greek documentary sources: a historical-sociolinguistic approach. Paper presented at the U4 Winter School 2019 on Greco-Roman Antiquity: Challenge and Response in the Ancient World (Rome, March 14, 2019).
  17. Roumanis, E. Atticist Manuals, Prescription, and Documentary Greek Texts. Paper presented at the U4 Winter School 2019 on Greco-Roman Antiquity: Challenge and Response in the Ancient World (Rome, March 14, 2019).
  18. Apostolakou, A. Multilingualism in Graeco-Roman and Late Antique Egypt: Documented Cases of Linguistic Interference. Paper presented at the U4 Winter School 2019 on Greco-Roman Antiquity: Challenge and Response in the Ancient World (Rome, March 15, 2019).
  19. Papini, A. Stylistic and diatopic variation in the “Vulgar” Latin vowel system. Rome and Italy: a statistical analysis based on inscriptional evidence. Paper presented at the DiaLing seminar series (Ghent, March 21, 2019)
  20. Papini, A. A preliminary investigation on the <ae>/<e> graphemic oscillation in Latin inscriptions from Rome. The relationship between vowel alternations, lexical stress and syllabic structure. Paper presented at the Fourth International Workshop on Computational Latin Dialectology (Budapest, March 28-29, 2019)
  21. De Mol, G. Hypercorrection in Greek documentary sources: a historical-sociolinguistic approach. Paper presented at the PhD/ReMA Day (Ravenstein, March 29, 2019).
  22. Amory, Y. Écrire une lettre dans l’Égypte du sixième siècle : grec ou copte ? Un nouveau scribe digraphe dans les archives de Dioscore d’Aphrodité. Paper presented at the 18de dag van de Byzantinistiek. Belgisch Genootschap voor Byzantijnse Studies (Bruxelles, May 24, 2019).
  23. Papini, A. The use of /h/ in Latin from the Late Republic to the Late Empire. A preliminary statistical analysis based on inscriptional data. Paper presented at the 20th International Colloquium on Latin Linguistics (Las Palmas de Gran Canaria, June 17-21, 2019)
  24. De Mol, G. Iota adscript as an idiolectal feature? The Heroninos archive as a case study. Paper presented at the OIKOS Masterclass 2019 on Collections & collectives in the Greco-Roman World (Rome, June 26, 2019).
  25. Amory, Y. Montre-moi ta main et je te dirai… pourquoi tu écris: pour une paléographie signifiante des lettres grecques de Dioscore d’Aphrodité. Paper presented at the 29th International Congress of Papyrology (Lecce, July 28-August 3, 2019).
  26. Bentein, K. Expressing Lineage in Roman and Late Antique Petitions and Contracts. A Variationist Perspective. Paper presented at the 29th International Congress of Papyrology (Lecce, July 28-August 3, 2019).
  27. Causo, S. Lease for a Single-Room House in 6th-century Oxyrhynchus. Paper presented at the 29th International Congress of Papyrology (Lecce, July 28-August 3, 2019).
  28. De Mol, G. Hypercorrect Use of Iota Adscript in Greek Documentary Papyri: A Historical-Sociolinguistic Approach. Paper presented at the 29th International Congress of Papyrology (Lecce, July 28-August 3, 2019).
  29. Roumanis, E. Atticism, Atticist Lexica, and Nonliterary Papyri: Syntactic Variation Across the Registers of Postclassical Greek. Paper presented at the 29th International Congress of Papyrology (Lecce, July 28-August 3, 2019).
  30. Bentein, K. Γινώσκειν σε οὖν θέλω: Causal particles and their semantic development in Ancient Greek. Paper presented at 14th International Conference on Greek Linguistics (Patras, September 5-8, 2019).
  31. De Mol, G. The hypercorrect use of iota adscript in Greek documentary sources: A historical-sociolinguistic approach. Paper presented at 14th International Conference on Greek Linguistics (Patras, September 5-8, 2019).
  32. Roumanis, E. It takes all sorts to make the cline: Register variation in documentary Greek papyri apropos of Atticistic prescriptivism. Paper presented at 14th International Conference on Greek Linguistics conference (Patras, September 5-8, 2019).
  33. Causo, S. LW06-talk presented at Taalkunde 3000 (Ghent, September 17, 2019).
  34. Amory, Y.  Visual signs of deference in Late Antique letters. Paper presented at the Novel Perspectives on Communication Practices in Antiquity. Towards a Historical Social-Semiotic Approach conference (Ghent, October 3-5, 2019).
  35. Papini, A. A preliminary investigation on the <e>/<i> and <o>/<u> graphemic oscillations in Italian Latin inscriptions of the Republican age. Paper presented at the conference Novel Perspectives on Communication Practices in Antiquity (Ghent, October 3-5, 2019).
  36. Apostolakou, A. How to sign a contract in Late Antique Egypt: a study of linguistic variation. Paper presented at the Novel Perspectives on Communication Practices in Antiquity. Towards a Historical Social-Semiotic Approach conference (Ghent, October 3-5, 2019).
  37. De Mol, G. & Roumanis, E. The Abinnaeus archive: lexical and orthographic features. Paper presented at the Novel Perspectives on Communication Practices in Antiquity. Towards a Historical Social-Semiotic Approach conference (Ghent, October 3-5, 2019).
  38. De Mol, G. De taalkundige en sociale contexten van de iota adscriptum in documentaire papyri. Paper presented at the OIKOS Conference (Katwijk, November 22-23, 2019).
  39. Bentein, K. Grieks in Egypte. Papyri als bron voor historisch-sociolinguïstisch onderzoek. Lecture given at the Lingua Graeca als Lingua Franca! De Griekse taal door de eeuwen heen (Ghent, December 18, 2019).
  40. Amory, Y. More than a simple intuition. Towards a categorisation of paleographical features. Paper presented at the Neo-Palaeography: Analysing Ancient Handwritings in the Digital Age conference (Basel, January 27-29, 2020).
  41. Bentein, K. Breaking the Norm and Getting Away With It? Observations on the Structure and Phraseology of Roman Papyrus Letters. Paper presented at La correspondance privée dans la mediterranée antique: sociétés en miroir conference (Paris, January 31 – February 1, 2020).
  42. Roumanis, E. How Atticism saved Greek from Itself: Contested Language Ideologies in Modern Greek Lexicography. Lecture given at the Lingua Graeca als Lingua Franca! De Griekse taal door de eeuwen heen (Ghent, February 19, 2020).
  43. Causo, S. “Allego una copia”: aspetti materiali degli allegati nei documenti amministrativi e legali. Paper presented at Jornadas de Papirología 9.6 (online, September 21-22, 2020)
  44. Cattafi, E. The interplay of linguistic and social factors in the choice of the relative marker. Some evidence from Greek documentary papyri (I-VIII AD). Paper presented at the Third Annual Meeting of the North American Research Network in Historical Sociolinguistics (online, January 8-11, 2021).
  45. Amory, Y. Una lettera per quattro mittenti. Una nuova edizione di SB III 7244, un nuovo documento dell’archivio di Philosarapis. Paper presented at Jornadas de Papirología 9.7 (online, February 19, 2021).
  46. Amory, Y. Più di un’arte, più di un’intuizione. Una proposta tipologica per l’analisi paleografica dei papiri documentari greci. Paper presented at Project NOTAE lectures. (online, March 5, 2021).
  47. Bentein, K. Μέν … δέ and contrastive comparison in Post-classical Greek. Paper to be presented at 1st Postclassical Greek Conference (online, March 24-26, 2021).
  48. Roumanis, E. Mixing up the old dialect and inflicting much shame: Registerial variation within the Atticist lexicon. Paper to be presented at 1st Postclassical Greek Conference (online, March 24-26, 2021)
  49. Bentein, K. & A. Cuomo. Correctness in comparison. An overview. Paper presented at the conference Correctness in comparison. Negotiating linguistic norms in Greek from the Imperial Roman until the later Byzantine period (I-XV AD) (Vienna/online, June 18, 2021).
  50. Amory, Y. The thin line between mise en page and mise en abyme. Visual stratagems in the layout of multiple letters on papyrus. Paper presented at the Coimbra Conference in Classics & Ancient History, panel “Layout and Materiality of Writing in Ancient Documents” (online, June 22-25, 2021).
  51. Apostolakou, A. The Limits of Digraphia: Coptic Letters in Egyptian Personal Names and Toponyms in Greek. Paper presented at the Multilingualism in Egypt: Comparative Perspectives on Language Choice in Documentary Papyri workshop (online, November 18-19, 2021)
  52. Papini, A. Epigrafia latina e sociolinguistica storica: il caso di <e>/<i>”. Paper presented at the conference Prospettive di ricerca in linguistica (storica) italiana. (Zurich, December  14, 2021).
  53. Cattafi, E. In search of glimpses: the contribution of papyri to the diachrony of relative articles. Paper presented at the New Light from the East: Linguistic Perspectives on Non-Literary Papyri and Related Sources conference (online, 3 February 2022).
  54. Bentein, K. Linguistic and graphic strategies of textualization in Greek letters from the Early Arabic period. Paper presented at the New Light from the East: Linguistic Perspectives on Non-Literary Papyri and Related Sources conference (Athens/online, February 4, 2022).
  55. Apostolakou, A. Tracing Digraphia in One Word? The Case of Coptic Letters in Egyptian Personal Names and Toponyms. Paper presented at the New Light from the East: Linguistic Perspectives on Non-Literary Papyri and Related Sources conference (online, February 2-4, 2022)
  56. Cattafi, E. Syntactic variation and everyday rhetoric in Greek papyrus petition. Paper presented at the OIKOS Biannual Conference on Linguistics and Rhetoric (Katwijk, 4 March 2022).
  57. Bentein, K. Connecting layout and formulae. Multimodal analysis of Greek documentary sources in the ERC project EVWRIT. Paper presented at the workshop Materiality, layout and formulas. Detecting patterns in written artifacts from Egypt (Heidelberg, March 12, 2022)
  58. Bentein, K. In search of the individual: Norm-breaking in Greek papyrus letters. 14th Trends in Classics International Conference (Thessaloniki/online, March 5-7, 2021).
  59. Bentein, K. Self-representation through variation in the Greek epistolary frame. Paper presented at the lecture series With kind regards. Convention, standards and breaking the rules in letter-writing (Leiden, March 29, 2022)
  60. Capano, M. Linguae duae, manus multae. The inscribing process of bilingual funerary inscriptions from Roman Sicily. Paper presented at the CA conference (Swansea April 11, 2022).
  61. Bentein, K. Going nominal: The articular infinitive in Greek documentary papyri. Paper presented at the conference Subordination and Insubordination in Post-Classical Greek. Syntax, Context and Complexity (Gent, May 12, 2022)
  62. Cattafi, E. Detecting complexity in relative clauses: applications and potential in Post-Classical Greek. Paper presented at the Subordination and Insubordination in Post-Classical Greek: Syntax, Context and Complexity conference (Ghent, 14 May 2022).
  63. Cattafi, E. The definite article as a relative marker in Greek documentary texts. Paper presented at the International Colloquium of Ancient Greek Linguistics (Madrid, 18 June 2022).
  64. Causo, S. A New “Measurement Tool” for the Study of Ancient Documents. Paper presented at the Conference Digital Papyrology 3.0. Digital encoding and Critical Edition of Greek Papyri: Perspectives and Progress (online, 31 May 2022. Link to the presentation:
  65. Bentein, K. Towards a social-semiotic, multi-modal analysis of non-literary papyri. Digital infrastructure in the EVWRIT project. Paper presented at the conference Digital papyrology 3.0. Digital encoding and critical edition of Greek papyri: Perspectives and progress (Parma/online, May 31, 2022)
  66. Capano, M., Bianconi, M. The -εσσι datives between epigraphic and literary evidence. A case of drift?, presented at Madrid, ICAGL 2022, (Madrid, June 17, 2022).
  67. Bentein, K. The textualization of women’s letters from Roman Egypt. Analyzing historical framing practices from a multi-modal point of view. Paper presented at the International Colloquium of Ancient Greek Linguistics (Madrid, June 18, 2022)
  68. Causo, S. The width of kollemata in documentary papyri from Oxyrhynchos: one size does not fit all. Paper presented at the 30th International Conference of Papyrology (Paris, July 25-30, 2022).
  69. Papini, A. Varios habent sonos. On the merger of the front and back vowels in Latin inscriptions from Rome (BC 250-AD 600). Paper presented at the Fifth International Workshop on Computational Latin Dialectology. (Budapest, July 7-8, 2022)
  70. Bentein, K. Topic modeling Greek documentary papyri. A novel contribution to the field of digital papyrology. Paper presented at the XXXth International Congress of Papyrology (Paris, July 26, 2022)
  71. Bianconi, M. & Capano, M. The datives in -εσσι: contact or drift? The evidence from Sicily and Pamphylia. Paper presented at ICHL 25 (Oxford, August 2, 2022)
  72. Bentein, K. & A. Cuomo. Applied historical sociolinguistics: new methods and approaches to the users and uses of Medieval Greek. Panel introduction. Paper presented at the 24th International Congress of Byzantine Studies (Venice, August 24, 2022).
  73. Papini, A. Preliminary remarks on the merger of the front and back vowels in Latin inscriptions from Rome (ca. 120 BC-ca. AD 600). Paper presented at the 14th International Colloquium on Late and Vulgar Latin (Latin vulgaire – latin tardif XIV) (Ghent, September 5-9, 2022)
  74. Bentein, K. Digital annotation and exploration in the Everyday Writing project. Paper presented at the 2nd online meeting of the Post-classical Greek network (October 14, 2022 (online))
  75. Capano, M. The long and winding road towards a standard: the continuum between koiná and koiné in Roman Sicily. Paper presented at the Department of Linguistics, The Ohio State University, (Columbus, October 26, 2022).
  76. Causo, S. Use and Transmission of Legal Sources in Petitions from Roman Egypt: Scribal Practices and the Representation of Power. Lecture given at Tetra, Text and Transmission Joint Research Seminar (online, 21 November 2022. Link to the lecture:
  77. Bentein, K. Self-representation through variation in the Greek epistolary frame. Paper presented at the Classics seminar ‘Emphasis & Co.’ (Oxford/online, December 1, 2022)
  78. Bentein, K. Standards [and/or] norms? Some thoughts. Paper presented at the meeting of the Post-classical Greek Network (Cologne, December 2, 2022)
  79. Capano, M. Understanding the Sicilian language identities through “implicit” and “explicit” bilingual inscription. A novel approach. Paper presented at AIA/SCS Annual meeting (New Orleans January 8, 2023).
  80. Causo, S. “The medium is the message”: understanding material strategies in administrative documents from Oxyrhynchus, EVWRIT Final Workshop, 12 June 2023.
  81. Causo, S. τὸ ἀντίγραφον ὐπόκειται: degrees of linguistic and visual integration in multi-level documents, EVWRIT Final Workshop, 12 June 2023.
  82. Causo, S. The Ghent Papyri: History and Overview of the Collection, Crash Course in Greek Palaeography – Ghent University, 22 May, 2023.
  83. Causo, S. Imperial land in Roman Egypt: new evidence on a papyrus in the collection of the Leiden Papyrological Institute, at Ancient Worlds Lecture Series, Leiden — 12 February 2024